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Saturday, August 20, 2022


 I knew I wanted photos of the car with some historical backdrop and no better option than the Val Air Ballroom.  Cindy has fond memories of the Val Air from high school.  I have always like the Val Air and amazingly have never been inside.  But it was down the street from where I grew up and my dad told me about going there in the '40s seeing big bands.

You'll see a key chain with Val Air on it...back in the '90s when the word was out that the Val Air might close, Cindy tracked down what they used for coat checks.  I've had it displayed since I and knew it was the perfect key chain for our Dodge.

Hello, Mary Lou!


 This blog is dedicated to our "new" 1955 Dodge Coronet Lancer.  We have been waiting 35 years for this moment.  A true car guy fr...