Another beautiful evening at The Outlet Mall in Altoona. Maybe 12 to 15 cars but gave us a chance to visit with people more. We had a nice time sitting with friend Bill and Maggie Ferrell.
Here I am talking with Dick (left) and Craig (right). Dick drives a 1972 Fiat convertible (below) and Craig has a very cherry 1933 Plymouth 5-window coupe (also below). They are both members of the Antique Auto Club of America.
Below...talking with Dick and Craig Wagner. Craig drives the beautiful 1933 Plymouth.
Not sure what's going on here 😄
Bill's Falcon and "Percy P" Craig Wagner's 1933 Plymouth
Dick drives the white sports car. It's a 1972 Fiat.
Below is a 1940 LaSalle coupe...last year for LaSalle.