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Monday, September 5, 2022


 When we were at our first car show, someone recognized the car and another person asked about the pinstriping.  The gentleman looked at the front and then went to the rear and said "Jim Hetlzer out of Muscatine".  (Update - that "gentleman" turned out to be Frosty Harrington!)

Here is a link to his website.  He is very accomplished in this field.

JC Hetz Studio is owned and operated by Jim and Chris Hetzler. We are a full service custom paint, graphics and pinstriping shop. Jim has been pinstriping and custom painting for over 40 years and takes every opportunity he gets ...

Jim has been freehand pinstriping and lettering for over 40 years. Although he specializes in street rods and motorcycles he also pinstripes many other items such as motorcycle horn covers for Chrome Dome MC, antique motorcycle restorations for the National Motorcycle Museum ...

Hello, Mary Lou!


 This blog is dedicated to our "new" 1955 Dodge Coronet Lancer.  We have been waiting 35 years for this moment.  A true car guy fr...